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Now I know better...
空の色といい、においといい、 夏の訪れをかんじた 季節が変わるときの なつかしさというか・・・・ あのこころのざわつきというか・・・・ 焦燥というか・・・・ あれってなんなんだろう。 何度も言うけれど やっぱりスキだけどニガテ笑 ムショ~に恋しくなって久々に聞いていた 大好きだったこの曲 Now You Know Better / Mondo Grosso feat. Amel Larrieux 歌詞がまた、なんかいいんだなぁ~。 今の気分にピッタンコで、すこし泣けた・・・笑 そしたら夕方から熱でちゃった ここ最近ちょっとした考え事していたから、 普段使わない部分のアタマが疲れちゃったかな~ 気恥ずかしいので日本語訳はナシで Can you remember when you were just 6-years old? With a trusting heart believing everything you're told Anyone bigger must have been right, even if they were wrong You take what was given, you didn't know better All your little mind could comprehend was goodness and truth Even when the baddest things were being done to you Ain't it a shame how we pay for your innocence when you take what was given You didn't know better bout lovin, cheatin, people leavin, dyin, livin, losin & forgivin Growin, sayin no and bein who you are... What about the time when you became 16-years old? With an unsure heart accepting some of what you're told Wanting to be someone different, but there's pressure to be the same So you take what was given - you didn't know better All that you could think about what you should and should not do Every single insecurity was magnified for you And suddenly you began to feel all the contradictions, but you take what was given You didn't know better bout lovin, cheatin, people leavin, dyin, livin, losin and forgivin Growin, sayin no and bein who you are... Now here you are a little older than before You really been through it and you might go through some more But if there's one precious thing you've learned - it's that you can't just take what was given, 'cuz now you know better bout lovin, cheatin, people leavin, dyin, livin, losin, & forgivin, growin, sayin no and bein who you are... PR コメントを投稿する
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